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Botswana Agate - AAA Jumbo
These large Botswana Agate palm stones are true powerhouses with exceptionally strong energy: Within minutes they will calm you down and take your stress away. After minutes you'll feel like you have been on vacation for 2 weeks. Ideal for people who are stressed and want to come down easily.
Botswana Agates are a true masterpiece of Mother Earth. They have unique banded patterns and beautiful colors ranging from deep reds to brownish as seen in the picture. The banding in these stones is created by the presence of iron and other minerals.

Botswana Agate has been prized for its beauty and healing properties for centuries. In ancient times, it was believed to bring balance, stability, and emotional healing to those who use it. It is also said to promote inner strength and courage and to help overcome fears and phobias. Its calming energy is believed to reduce stress and promote feelings of peace and tranquility. It is also said to have a number of physical healing properties, including boosting the immune system, improving circulation, reducing inflammation and easing menstruation pains.
These Botswana Agates are ideal for the stressed man or woman and for woman with strong menstruation pains.
CHF 120.00 120.0 CHF
Large Tiger's Eye Stone
These large Tiger's Eye are a real bargain - you won't find any better offer for the size and power!
Tigers Eye helps us align our minds with our bodies so that our thoughts reflect our physical condition. It also facilitates connection to already existing spiritual power and energy, bringing greater balance throughout the body and spirit. Furthermore, it is known for its ability to help us effectively use secular knowledge for practical benefits without becoming overwhelmed or anxious about life's possibilities.

This magnificent stone is often used in assisting alignment with all seven chakras from base of the spine to crown of the head, allowing them to work synergistically together as a team. On a more physical level, it is said to reduce pain such as back strain or headaches due to stress factors like erratic emotions or overexertion throughout daily activities. To best utilize Tigers Eye for your physical health, hold it in both hands while inscribing into your being an affirmation/intention so that each time you look at this unique gemstone you are reminded of these healing words.

From its beautiful golden tones to its powerful healing energies, defending yourself with Tigers Eye will truly bring balance and serenity into your life not only externally but internally too! Invest in yours today and bask in its serene beauty and mystical power!
CHF 2.90 2.9 CHF
Mookaite is believed to bring clarity and focus to those who use it, offering a deep sense of inner awareness and motivation. It can help you stay connected to your path to self-realization. Mookaite is said to work with your root chakra to ground and balance energies within your body, providing a steady flow of energy throughout the day without overstimulation or exhaustion. It's also thought to bring lightness and joy to lives affected by stress or intense emotions.

This powerful healing stone is also said to contribute to overall wellness, strengthening the immune system, helping with digestive issues and improving general health. Additionally, it may assist with healing from surgery or injury. Mookaite is thought to work gently on bacterial issues over time.

Experience balance and harmony in your life through the power of Mookaite.
CHF 18.00 18.0 CHF
Its majestic milky green speckled shades harken to the variety of the Earth itself. It speaks softly of our need for strength and balance in all aspects that define us - a life-long quest for harmony from within and from without.

Unakite contains elements that support healing, physical as well as emotional. Its energies help clear electromagnetic smog produced by electronics, bring heart-healing, self-love and fortifying inner peace. Fully utilizing its powers can help the wearer connect better with their spiritual side, allowing their inner compass guide them towards understanding themselves in new ways.

The properties of Unakite enable it to be used on several chakra centers in the body making it an invaluable stones for anyone seeking greater insight into both external and internal life balancing rituals. It's known for loosening blockages between various chakra points, particularly those related to emotions like bliss or mental afflictions like anxiety or worry. By energizing these major energetic systems we learn how to better take care of our emotional states while learning more about ourselves at a profound level.

Every piece of Unakite is unique; each one offering different gifts to you so seek out yours today!
CHF 18.00 18.0 CHF
Sodalite (large)
Sodalite is much more than just a beautiful and mystical stone — it has the power to transform conscious minds, heal physical bodies, and open spiritual paths. These sodalite stones have an intense deep blue color, offering you both its protective qualities and a captivating visual feast.

Sodalite is said to increase mental clarity, enhance intuition, and soothe the mind. In ancient times it was used to bring objectivity and clarity, helping you access your intuition for greater self-awareness and creativity.

On a protective level, sodalite is said to guard against negative influences by providing emotional balance and understanding of one’s true self, and aiding in developing confidence in one's intuitions.

Physically, it’s also known to stimulate metabolism and improve digestion while energizing tired cells throughout the body.

On the energetic level, sodalite helps clear imbalances in all of your chakras — aiding your higher consciousness during meditation or other spiritual practices like yoga or energy work.

No matter how you use it, sodalite bring incredible benefits into your life!
CHF 29.00 29.0 CHF
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz has a long history of use in various cultures around the world. In ancient Egypt, it was believed to be a symbol of love and beauty, and was often carved into intricate figurines and jewelry.
In the Middle Ages, it was believed to have powerful healing properties and was used to treat a variety of ailments.
Today, rose quartz is still highly prized for its beauty and is often used in jewelry, decorative objects, and crystal healing practices.

Metaphysically, rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra and is believed to be a powerful healing stone. It is thought to bring love, compassion, and emotional healing to those who use it. It is also said to be a powerful stone for attracting love and promoting feelings of self-worth and self-love.

In terms of its physical properties, rose quartz is known for its high vibrations and is often used in crystal grids and energy work. It is believed to have a calming and soothing energy that can help to reduce stress and promote feelings of peace and tranquility. It is also said to have a number of healing properties, including the ability to boost the immune system, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation.
CHF 16.00 16.0 CHF
Large Bulls Eye
The Bull's Eye Stone is believed to possess a powerful energy that resonates with focus, determination, and protection. Its distinctive patterns, reminiscent of the eye of a bull, have inspired various interpretations and symbolisms throughout history and was associated with the Minotaur’s gaze in Ancient Greece.

For those interested in metaphysical practices, the Bull's Eye Stone is thought to assist in enhancing one's concentration and sharpening mental acuity. It is believed to promote a sense of groundedness and inner strength, helping individuals maintain their focus and achieve their goals.

Furthermore, the Bull's Eye Stone is often associated with protection and warding off negative energies. It is said to act as a shield, guarding against external influences that may hinder personal growth and progress.
CHF 16.00 16.0 CHF
Septarian Stone
Introducing Septarian Stone, a unique and naturally beautiful stone with its own distinct patterns and characteristics. Also, commonly referred to as Dragon Stone, earns its name from its striking resemblance to the mythical eggs of dragons.
This unique stone is composed of a combination of yellow Calcite, brown Aragonite, gray Limestone, and occasionally, clear Barite. Its formation traces back to 50-70 million years ago, originating from mud balls created in volcanic eruptions. These mud balls encapsulated decaying minerals and marine life remains, leading to the distinctive patterns and textures seen in Septarian today.

Septarian is known for its relaxing and balancing qualities, and its energy is said to be effective in promoting emotional equilibrium. Keeping Septarian close to the body may help to open the heart chakra and stimulate positive energy flow. This stone is also believed to promote feelings of peace, clarity and rejuvenation, and provide spiritual protection by repelling negative vibrations.

Bring the beauty and energy of Septarian Dragon Egg into your home or carry it with you for a sense of comfort and to elevate your mood. With its unique properties and stunning appearance, Septarien makes a beautiful addition to any collection.
CHF 11.00 11.0 CHF
Dark Amethyst is a majestic stone as glowing as the night sky, revealing its powerful healing vibrations with every glance. For centuries, people across cultures and religions have embraced this magical stone for its superior properties and spiritual significance.

This high-quality dark Amethyst radiates with brilliant purple color and has excellent transparency – truly an inspiring sight to behold! The dark hue makes the perfect backdrop for its profound qualities that allow it to sooth negative emotions and inspire spiritual growth while connecting us more deeply with our inner wisdom. As one of nature’s most powerful healing stones, dark Amethyst boasts incredible benefits for both the body and soul.

On the body level, dark Amethyst helps to heal physical pain, relieves stress, reduces insomnia, and strengthens energy fields within the body. It is known to purify our subconscious from heavy energies from past experiences such as fears or negative memories. On the soul level, dark Amethyst opens up the crown chakra facilitating an uplifting and balanced connection between Earthly worries and Universal feelings creating balance in all seven chakras. If we are carrying any unwanted baggage or heavy energies anchoring us down in life's struggles, this magnificent gemstone encourages spiritual freedom which can help unify both worlds in harmony.
CHF 3.00 3.0 CHF
Tiger's Eye
Tigers Eye helps us align our minds with our bodies so that our thoughts reflect our physical condition. It also facilitates connection to already existing spiritual power and energy, bringing greater balance throughout the body and spirit. Furthermore, it is known for its ability to help us effectively use secular knowledge for practical benefits without becoming overwhelmed or anxious about life's possibilities.

This magnificent stone is often used in assisting alignment with all seven chakras from base of the spine to crown of the head, allowing them to work synergistically together as a team. On a more physical level, it can be used for reducing pain such as back strain or headaches due to stress factors like erratic emotions or overexertion throughout daily activities. To best utilize Tigers Eye for your physical health, hold it in both hands while inscribing into your being an affirmation/intention so that each time you look at this unique gemstone you are reminded of these healing words.

From its beautiful golden tones to its powerful healing energies, defending yourself with Tigers Eye will truly bring balance and serenity into your life not only externally but internally too! Invest in yours today and bask in its serene beauty and mystical power!
CHF 10.00 10.0 CHF
Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer.
It is said to neutralize all sources of electromagnetic pollution, blocking out emanations from computers, television and other electronic equipment, settle nausea and dissolve negative emotions and thoughts, or to help strengthen eyesight.

Green Aventurine brings well-being and emotional calm as it works with the heart chakra and is said to promote love, compassion, connection and harmony.

It has been used since ancient times to heal from emotional wounds, to open your heart to yourself and others, and to attract love and friendship into your life.
It is also said to be a great soother of stress, anxiety, nervousness and anger, help you to calm your mind, relax your body, and balance your emotions.

On a physical level, the Romans already used Green Aventurine to improve the circulation, heart function, nervous system and immune system.
Green Aventurine is a good all-round healer and protector, especially in our modern world.
CHF 9.00 9.0 CHF
Picture Jasper
Picture jasper is a landscape stone that's believed to help us find our place in the world. When we've stepped off the path or gone down a path we never intended, picture jasper is thought to give the time and space alone to sort through things. This stone is also thought to aid inner silence and strengthen the recall of early memories, so they can be understood and processed. Among practitioners of gemstone healing, picture jasper is a powerful grounding stone that promotes connection to the earth.
Some view this stone as a direct message from the Earth itself, instilling a sense of proportion, bringing comfort, alleviating fear and cultivating harmony. Although it is not an official birthstone, picture jasper is affiliated with the astrological sign Leo.
CHF 9.00 9.0 CHF
Snow Flake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian is a type of Obsidian known for its calming and soothing properties. This crystal is believed to promote balance for body, mind, and spirit, and to help individuals recognize and release negative thoughts and mental patterns. It is also said to encourage inner peace and centeredness. Snowflake Obsidian is often used for meditation and to overcome feelings of isolation and loneliness. Wearing or carrying Snowflake Obsidian is believed to enhance its benefits.
CHF 9.00 9.0 CHF
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is a popular and widely recognized type of quartz that is known for its beautiful pink color. It is a variety of the mineral quartz and is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, India, Madagascar, and the United States.

The pink color of rose quartz is caused by the presence of tiny inclusions of titanium, iron, or manganese within the crystal. These inclusions give the stone its delicate pink hue, which ranges from pale to deep rose.

Rose quartz has a long history of use in various cultures around the world. In ancient Egypt, it was believed to be a symbol of love and beauty, and was often carved into intricate figurines and jewelry. In the Middle Ages, it was believed to have powerful healing properties and was used to treat a variety of ailments. Today, rose quartz is still highly prized for its beauty and is often used in jewelry, decorative objects, and crystal healing practices.

Metaphysically, rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra and is believed to be a powerful healing stone. It is thought to bring love, compassion, and emotional healing to those who use it. It is also said to be a powerful stone for attracting love and promoting feelings of self-worth and self-love.

In terms of its physical properties, rose quartz is known for its high vibrations and is often used in crystal grids and energy work. It is believed to have a calming and soothing energy that can help to reduce stress and promote feelings of peace and tranquility. It is also said to have a number of healing properties, including the ability to boost the immune system, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation.
CHF 9.00 9.0 CHF
White Quartz
White Quartz or Milky quartz and innocence are nearly synonymous, which is why wearing it is said to help us look at things from a child-like perspective, without preconceived or cynical notions. This calm and soothing stone is held to be useful for meditation, with all the properties of clear quartz, yet gentler. Practitioners of crystal healing techniques advocate it as cleansing stone, used for purification on the spiritual level and boosting the immune system on the physical level. Some adherents believe this version of quartz aids lactation in new mothers.
This stone has been affiliated with the crown chakra. It is believed to reduce stubbornness in Capricorns, intolerance in Geminis and the need for power in Leos.
CHF 9.00 9.0 CHF
Red Jasper
Red jasper is a stone of many meanings and historical ties, said to hold powerful physical and spiritual protection. In ancient Egypt, red jasper stone was linked to the fertility of Mother Isis and Native Americans believed that red jasper was the blood of Mother Earth. Legend says that jasper would drive away evil spirits, protect against snake and spider bites, and even bring about rain!

Today it is known as a lucky charm for actors and is favoured for its metaphysical properties as much as its beautiful red colouring.
CHF 7.00 7.0 CHF
Its majestic milky green speckled shades harken to the variety of the Earth itself. It speaks softly of our need for strength and balance in all aspects that define us - a life-long quest for harmony from within and from without.

Unakite contains elements that support healing, physical as well as emotional. Its energies help clear electromagnetic smog produced by electronics, bring heart-healing, self-love and fortifying inner peace. Fully utilizing its powers can help the wearer connect better with their spiritual side, allowing their inner compass guide them towards understanding themselves in new ways.

The properties of Unakite enable it to be used on several chakra centers in the body making it an invaluable stones for anyone seeking greater insight into both external and internal life balancing rituals. It's known for loosening blockages between various chakra points, particularly those related to emotions like bliss or mental afflictions like anxiety or worry. By energizing these major energetic systems we learn how to better take care of our emotional states while learning more about ourselves at a profound level.

Every piece of Unakite is unique; each one offering different gifts to you so seek out yours today!
CHF 7.00 7.0 CHF
Bulls Eye
The Bull's Eye Stone is believed to possess a powerful energy that resonates with focus, determination, and protection. Its distinctive patterns, reminiscent of the eye of a bull, have inspired various interpretations and symbolisms throughout history and was associated with the Minotaur’s gaze in Ancient Greece.

For those interested in metaphysical practices, the Bull's Eye Stone is thought to assist in enhancing one's concentration and sharpening mental acuity. It is believed to promote a sense of groundedness and inner strength, helping individuals maintain their focus and achieve their goals.

Furthermore, the Bull's Eye Stone is often associated with protection and warding off negative energies. It is said to act as a shield, guarding against external influences that may hinder personal growth and progress.
CHF 9.00 9.0 CHF
Hematite grounds and protects us. It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought.

Hematite utilises the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system. It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.

Hematite dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Haematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence. It helps to overcome compulsions and addictions, treating overeating, smoking and other forms of overindulgence.

Haematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anaemia. It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue. Stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells. Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia. Hematite aids spinal alignment and fractures.
CHF 7.00 7.0 CHF
Sodalite (small)
Sodalite is much more than just a beautiful and mystical stone — it has the power to transform conscious minds, heal physical bodies, and open spiritual paths. These sodalite stones have an intense deep blue color, offering you both its protective qualities and a captivating visual feast.

Sodalite is said to increase mental clarity, enhance intuition, and soothe the mind. In ancient times it was used to bring objectivity and clarity, helping you access your intuition for greater self-awareness and creativity.

On a protective level, sodalite is said to guard against negative influences by providing emotional balance and understanding of one’s true self, and aiding in developing confidence in one's intuitions.

Physically, it’s also known to stimulate metabolism and improve digestion while energizing tired cells throughout the body.

On the energetic level, sodalite helps clear imbalances in all of your chakras — aiding your higher consciousness during meditation or other spiritual practices like yoga or energy work.

No matter how you use it, sodalite bring incredible benefits into your life!
CHF 7.00 7.0 CHF