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Hessonite Crystal
Introducing Hessonite, a mystical healing stone of unparalleled quality and magnificent reddish hue. Glowing with power, this gem is said to amplify energy and help renew both your physical body and mind. Just a single glance at Hessonite can leave you in awe – it's mesmerizing transparency is like a portal to a higher plane of understanding, transporting you to ancient lands filled with the knowledge of divine healing.

The properties of this healing stone make it incredibly unique. By harmonizing our chakras, Hessonite helps clear negative energies from the body and open it up to vitality and power. Physically, its soothing warmth can be felt as soon as holding it against the skin – send worries away, calm your state of mind, and align yourself with emotions. As for health benefits, Hessonite is said to strengthen our immune system's response to illness by balancing essential hormones throughout the body.

Embark on an exhilarating journey with Hessonite today! This remarkable gemstone pushes you closer to spiritual empowerment and unconditionally opens your hearts up to unconditional truth and wisdom known since antiquity. Let this magnificent gem guide you into unlocking your inner power and restore balance in life!
CHF 18.00 18.0 CHF
Blue Apatite Crystal
Apatite has a unique chemistry that enables it to tap into the human body’s energy field and provide powerful healing properties. This remarkable stone can help you become more conscious of yourself as well as learn how to manifest your innermost wishes and needs. It has been linked to stimulating the seven chakras and cultivation of intuition, creative inspiration, acceptance, and living for the present moment. Additionally, working with Apatite on a physical level it is said to help relieve anxiety, insomnia, allergies, stress, tension headaches, and heart problems.

Allow Apatite to open up your life to newfound options with its healing gifts. Its beauty is undeniable so let this stunning crystal captivate you while its ancient power helps you reach within yourself and spiritual heights unimaginable!
CHF 16.00 16.0 CHF
Aquamarine Crystal
Aquamarine is said to be beneficial for the nervous system as well, bringing balance and allowing you to communicate emotions more positively. At the same time, it is said to help strengthen your self-confidence and reduce stress levels. It's also thought to cleanse away negative energies from the environment around you while at the same time enhancing your psychic awareness.

Lastly, Aquamarine's divine energy is believed to aid in clearing mental confusion, fighting depression and discouragement - it will become even brighter if kept near other crystals like amethyst or clear quartz. Its various healing effects make it perfect for those looking to tune into their deepest cosmic energies - if you're on this kind of journey and need help getting connected with your spiritual being, then let Aquamarine accompany you!
CHF 10.00 10.0 CHF
Peridot Crystal
Peridot is thought to harness the power of nature and transmit protective energies from the angelic realm, promoting greater trust in divine timing. This gemstone is said to open the heart chakra, leading to increased love, compassion, and harmony within oneself and in relationships. It is believed to connect the psyche to otherworldly protector energies, granting access to personal power on both physical and spiritual levels.

Peridot is also associated with physical health and vitality, with the belief that it can relieve fatigue and detoxify negative thoughts and feelings. It is considered a powerful tool to restore balance in one's life.
CHF 16.00 16.0 CHF
Lemon Quartz Crystal
These Lemon Quartz crystals not only look stunning, but they also act as beacons for cosmic energies. Its soft yellow hue reflects the divine light of the sun and functions as a totem for spiritual rejuvenation. Possessing mystical powers that have been revered by ancient cultures throughout time, this gemstone can serve as a powerful talisman on your journey towards discovering personal enlightenment.

Let the beautiful lemon quartz guide you into an energized state of being that brings harmony and balance to both body and mind. Find tranquility in its calming presence and experience unlimited possibilities by adding this magical crystal to your collection today.
CHF 16.00 16.0 CHF
Tanzanite Crystal
Tanzanite is a highly valued stone known for its stabilizing and harmonizing properties. It is said to help restore balance to the spirit through its intense vibrations, which open, align, and clear the 3rd Eye chakra. Its energy works on the spiritual 3rd Eye chakra, fostering a deeper connection to the divine and aiding in the healing of emotional trauma. Tanzanite is considered a rare gemstone with a mysterious energy that only those close to it can detect. This stone can help you find peace, clarity, and purpose while offering metaphysical benefits to every aspect of your being.
CHF 29.00 29.0 CHF
Clear Amethyst Crystal
Step into the magical world of this Clear Amethyst Crystal and discover the marvels it has to offer. Boasting a magnificent purple hue, this stone's superior transparency offers a captivating display of its mystical energy. Unparalleled in quality, Clear Amethyst radiates with powerful healing properties and is regarded as one of the most important stones in crystal healing.

With the ability to repel negative energy and amplify your spiritual journey, Clear Amethyst opens and clears your Crown Chakra - an essential tool for personal development and self-realization. By connecting you to higher realms of consciousness, this remarkable stone enables feelings of peace, calm and relaxation throughout your body. Experience spiritual clarity like never before, unlocking inner wisdom that quells inner turmoil.

Soothe your mind during troubled times with this amazing crystal with high transparency! Clear Amethyst is more than just a beautiful accent piece for your home or wardrobe; it’s a trusted companion on the path to enlightened presence.
CHF 11.00 11.0 CHF
Garnet Crystal
Garnets have long been known as stones of mystical power, and these high-quality garnets offer a hypnotizing glimpse into the elegant beauty that only gemstones can provide. With excellent deep red color, transparency and clarity, you can look deep inside and marvel at their many fiery hues. On top of that, our garnets also feature a mesmerizing high resonance quality that lends them an air of enchanting mystery. Garnets will help to balance your root chakra. Whether it's for your own personal collection or to give as a precious gift, these exceptional garnets exude an aura of both striking elegance and mysterious depths just waiting to be explored.
CHF 29.00 29.0 CHF
Morganite Crystal
Morganite has long been treasured for its ability to foster unconditional love, self-love, trust, tolerance, and compassion for yourself as well as for others.
It encourages you to see the beauty in all living creatures around you - from plants and animals to people in your daily life - enhancing your inner awareness and sensitivity for greater mental clarity.
Enjoy its soothing energy that stimulate growth in areas where change is needed in order to move forward on spiritual paths. Relax into its powers as it releases tension from chakras enabling positive energy currents to flow throughout the whole body promoting restful sleep, creativity, passion and confidence!
CHF 16.00 16.0 CHF
Orange Kyanite Crystal
Orange Kyanite is thought to be helpful in promoting a harmonious energy balance in the body, and in improving concentration and comfort.
It is often used as a tool for meditation and to amplify positive intentions. The crystal is believed to have a positive effect on the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras, potentially leading to increased creativity, confidence, and passion.
It may also offer spiritual benefits, such as a renewed sense of inner strength and spiritual clarity.
Orange Kyanite is a wonderful stone for artists, in particular for singers, painters as well as actors to boost creativity and self-confidence.
CHF 16.00 16.0 CHF
Experience the power of Ruby corundum and its world-renowned beauty. This captivating stone has been enjoyed for centuries for its magnificent color, longevity and utmost quality. For many, this gemstone is much more than eye candy - it can be a powerful tool in healing your body, mind and spirit.

This precious gem activates our root chakra to provide deep inner peace, security and balance. In addition, it encourages an abundance mindset that can lead to increased joy and satisfaction. By harnessing the natural energy of Ruby corundum you can reap tremendous physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Ruby corundum is said to help overcoming exhaustion or apathy and boost motivation levels. Beyond being rooted in spiritual energy, this stone brings a magical force to life's challenges so that we can rediscover passion to pursue our dreams.

Relish the vibrant simplicity of Ruby corundum by bringing it into your world and be mesmerized by its energy on your root chakra. Let this extraordinary gem assists with self-growth on a journey towards self-awareness and enlightenment.
CHF 99.00 99.0 CHF
Blue Kyanite Crystal
This powerful and mystical healing stone opens pathways for communication on every level – mental, emotional and spiritual. In addition to providing mental clarity, it can unblock stagnant energies that prevent us from expressing our true selves.
Its transformative effects soothe anxious minds, support the heart, stimulate our creativity, and connect us to spiritual realms. Blue Kyanite helps to keep our energy centers (chakras) aligned, thereby creating balance and harmony in body, mind and spirit. It’s also perfect for meditation and spiritual practice.

If you are in need of a little extra protection during these turbulent times, let blue kyanite be your companion; its protective energy will ensure that no harm comes your way!
Let this precious healing stone bring new life into your home and discover peace within yourself; trust that with its incredible powers everything is possible.
CHF 29.00 29.0 CHF
Referred to as a 'master healer', this magical gem will improve your holistic wellness – energizing mental clarity, aiding during periods of emotional stress and soothing your physical body.
Restore balance within your chakra system with corundum sapphire's potent healing power which can not only soothe the soul but is also said to improve physical conditions such as headaches and insomnia.
Take a moment to bask in the gentle yet elevating properties of this high-quality sapphire – watch how its amazing hues release negative energies from your body whilst connecting with deeper prosperity.
CHF 99.00 99.0 CHF
Emerald is a precious gemstone that is believed to bring love, compassion, and hope into people's lives. It is said to promote friendship and understanding, and to enhance mental clarity and focus. This high-quality emerald is considered ideal for individuals seeking inner growth and self-awareness. The ancient Egyptians revered it for its beneficial properties.

Emerald is believed to align with the heart chakra to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. By balancing these levels, individuals may achieve a higher self-perspective and enhanced energy flow throughout their body.

Emerald is often kept close by or worn as jewelry to benefit from its unique energies. It is said to have an energizing aura that may help to combat physical and mental issues such as anxiety or depression, and to promote overall well-being.
With its deep green hue and ancient secrets, Emerald is believed to have deep healing potential and to allow individuals to find inner peace and harmony.
CHF 99.00 99.0 CHF
Sunstone Crystal
Indian Sunstone, a mesmerizing gem variety of Feldspar from India, enchants with its captivating aventurescence — a spellbinding dance of light akin to Labradorite.
What makes it unique is its distinctive sparkle infused with hematite, setting it apart.
More than just a stone, it symbolizes confidence, ambition, and vitality, reported by users to inspire motivation and purpose.

Sunstone taps into the energies of the sacral chakra, fostering creativity and self-empowerment. Across cultures, Sunstone has adorned ancient rituals, embodying joy, protection, and empowerment.

Delve into history's tapestry where Sunstone has woven its magic.
Discover its allure and unlock its secrets, embracing life's possibilities.
Welcome a new era where every glimmer reflects fulfilled dreams and embraced destinies.
CHF 99.00 99.0 CHF
Dark Amethyst Crystal
Discover the timeless allure of Dark Amethyst, a violet quartz steeped in ancient legend.
Its name, "amethystos," derived from Greek, reflects its believed ability to ward off intoxication and bring clarity.

Dark Amethyst is celebrated for its calming influence and emotional balance, though scientific support for its healing properties is limited.
Metaphysically, it's cherished for its alleged capacity to enhance spirituality, absorb negativity, and heighten awareness.

Formed within volcanic rocks, Dark Amethyst's hues range from pale lilac to deep purple, each imbued with a unique character.

In summary, Dark Amethyst captivates with its historical significance and metaphysical allure.
While its benefits are widely embraced, empirical evidence remains sparse, inviting contemplation of its mystique.
Whether for meditation or divine connection, Dark Amethyst proves to be an exceptional companion on your spiritual journey.
CHF 99.00 99.0 CHF
Tanzanite Crystal
Tanzanite crystal, a gemstone enveloped in mystique and allure, emerges from the very soul of the Earth, beneath the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro.
This rare gem, with its naturally blue to violetish blue hues, is a testament to the miracles of nature. Revered not only for its breathtaking colors but also for its profound impact on the spirit, Tanzanite stands as a beacon of stabilization, harmony, and metaphysical healing.

Hailing exclusively from a small area near Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzanite's rarity is unmatched, making it a treasured find for any collector or spiritual seeker.
Its unique trichroic properties—where it exhibits different colors when viewed from various directions—range from deep blue to vibrant violet, and even burgundy under incandescent light, thanks to its physical properties and the absence of heat treatment.
This natural phenomenon enhances the stone's appeal, imbuing it with a palette of mesmerizing colors that capture the essence of the skies at dusk.

At the heart of Tanzanite's allure are its harmonizing energies.
Believed to interact with the 3rd Eye chakra, Tanzanite's intense vibrations offer a gateway to heightened spiritual awareness, opening, aligning, and clarifying one's vision of the divine.
It is this connection that fosters a profound sense of peace, clarity, and purpose, guiding individuals through emotional turmoil towards a state of balanced well-being.

Tanzanite's journey from the earth to the light is a story of transformation.
Unheated and untouched, its natural state is a rarity in the gem world, where treatments are commonplace.
The decision to leave Tanzanite unheated preserves its trichroic nature and ensures that each Tanzanite crystal remains a pure, unaltered gift from the earth.

In every Tanzanite crystal lies the power of the universe, condensed into a gem-quality stone of unparalleled beauty.
Its energy is a key to unlocking the mysteries of the self and the cosmos, a tool for those who seek to explore the depths of their being and the outer reaches of the spiritual realm.

Tanzanite crystal is more than just a stone; it is a companion on the journey of life, a guide to the innermost pathways of the soul, and a guardian of the spirit.
Its presence is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things, the boundless potential of the human spirit, and the profound beauty of the universe that awaits discovery.

In embracing Tanzanite, one embraces the essence of existence itself—its cycles of birth, transformation, and rebirth.
This gem, born from the heart of Africa, is a symbol of the eternal quest for understanding, the pursuit of harmony, and the unending journey towards a life filled with purpose, clarity, and unconditional love.
Let Tanzanite crystal be your guide, your healer, and your muse as you navigate the complexities of life, ever reaching towards the light of truth and the peace of spiritual fulfillment.
CHF 99.00 99.0 CHF
Blue Apatite Crystal
Blue apatite is a striking gemstone known for its vivid azure color that mirrors the depth of the ocean.
This crystal is often associated with personal growth and motivational energy, making it a favorite among those seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them.
Blue apatite is believed to enhance clarity, aid in the development of psychic abilities, and stimulate the intellect, encouraging a thirst for knowledge and truth. I
t is also thought to help individuals achieve a balance between their physical, emotional, and spiritual selves, fostering a harmonious lifestyle.
With its connection to the throat chakra, blue apatite can also empower its users to communicate more effectively, promoting clear expression of thoughts and feelings.
Overall, the blue apatite crystal is a versatile and powerful tool for those looking to enhance their creativity, improve their communication skills, and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
CHF 77.00 77.0 CHF
Aquamarine crystal
Aquamarine is said to be beneficial for the nervous system as well, bringing balance and allowing you to communicate emotions more positively. At the same time, its powers can help strengthen your self-confidence and reduce stress levels. It's also thought to cleanse away negative energies from the environment around you while at the same time enhancing your psychic awareness.

Lastly, Aquamarine's divine energy is believed to aid in clearing mental confusion, fighting depression and discouragement - it will become even brighter if kept near other crystals like amethyst or clear quartz. Its various healing effects make it perfect for those looking to tune into their deepest cosmic energies - if you're on this kind of journey and need help getting connected with your spiritual being, then let Aquamarine accompany you!
CHF 99.00 99.0 CHF
Peridot crystal - small
The peridot crystal captures the essence of nature, conveying vibrations of protective energies from celestial realms.
It encourages a deeper trust in the natural progression of life's events. Through its influence on the Heart Chakra, peridot promotes the development of love, compassion, and harmony within oneself and in one's interactions with others.
This gemstone is thought to bolster the psyche by linking it with otherworldly protective energies, thereby amplifying inner strength on both a personal and spiritual level.
Peridot is said to increases physical health and vitality, relieving fatigue while detoxifying negative thoughts and feelings.
Utilize this vibrant peridot crystal to bring balance into your life, tapping into its extensive potential to inspire and safeguard.
CHF 7.00 7.0 CHF